Son of a Preacher Man (Book Review)
![]() ![]() Now back to Jay's book..... My mom had given me this book back when it first came out and it has sat on the shelf for a while. I started reading it, but then put it down. Well, after I finished my most recent book I grabbed this one to read and I finished it in three days. As I sat and read this book I found myself going through so many emotions. I even found myself crying at times. Jay's book gave me insights into what really went on with the PTL Club that Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker had formed. And also the inner turmoil that went on with the family during the whole mess and during Jim's incarceration. I could really sense the pain in Jay's heart at watching his dad and mom's hearts being torn out, and then watching his dad spend time in prison. But Jay's book is not just about the turmoil that he felt, but about how God used all of it to show Jay how his life would be devoted to reaching out to those who live out on the edge that he ended up in. Jay's view of God's love and grace is amazing, but unfortunately he had to go through a lot of crap to get it. His story is one of hope as you see how he has turned all of this around and has seen God restore his family. I have to admit that I was one of those people who thought bad things about the Bakker's and believed what I was seeing on the TV and hearing from other Christians about them. And for that I am deeply sorry. I have no idea if Jay will ever read this blog post or not, but if he does I hope that he will find one more person who is sorry about his attitudes and actions towards his family. I really believe that the Bakker's were railroaded and shafted during this whole thing. Don't get me wrong, I know that they did do things wrong, but they were punished more severely than they deserved. I would recommend that anyone who wants to know more about what happend during the whole "PTL scandal" and wants to find out how one man found grace in the midst of that dark shadow I would encourage you to pick up this book. On a related side note, please pray for Tammy Faye as she continues her battle with cancer. **EDIT (23 July 2007)** Sadly, Tammy Faye lost her battle with cancer on Friday, 21 July 2007. Labels: Books |