Saturday, March 12, 2005

tomorrow will be tough!

well, tomorrow the membership of my church vote on the guy who will be replacing me in april. i have many mixed feeling on this, because i do not feel that he is called to this position and that the student ministry will suffer as a result. i hope and pray that i am wrong, but i fear that i am not. i love my students and can handle someone else being their new pastor, but i want the best possible person to lead them. i also am wondering how the whole vote will go because i know that there are a lot of people who agree with me. this church is the only church that this individual has really known, he got saved here and has never gone anywhere else. and if he does not get voted in or narrowly makes it, that will be really hard for him. i can not imagine being in his shoes and dealing with that kind of rejection.

i also asked my sp to email a copy of my evalution out to the mebers of the church, because i want them to make the most informed decision that they can. my fear is that some people will feel that i am trying to cause problems or something and that is not my heart on all of this.

the other hard part that is coming up, is the fact that i currently work part-time for my father's company and he recently told me that i can not go full-time in april. so that means i have to find a job to help make up the difference in salary and also get health insurance for me and my family. unfortunately, the church where i have served part-time for the past 5 and a half years has decided to give me no severance package or health insurance after i am done. this has made things very difficult, becuase i am fighting bitterness BIG time. but i think i am doing well with it and it is just teaching more and more to rely completely upon Him. so if you don't mind pray for the Lord's guidance in all of this.

well, i guess that is it for now. next time time i blog i will try to be more up beat and post some positive things!

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