Spring Break 2007
This coming Thursday my family and I will be going on our first big trip as a family. We are heading to Florida, you can see the map of our trip above. I am really looking forward to getting a week away in a warmer climate and spending some time with my family. We are going to be staying at Marina Bay Resort in Fort Walton Beach, FL. This is where my parent's have a timeshare and so they are letting us have one of the weeks to use. And what is going to make this trip even better is that we will get a chance to meet some fellow YMXer's on the way down. Our first stop is going to be on Thursday, April 5th, in Cincinnati, OH where we will meet Angie and her family. Unfortunately, her husband is a Buckeye, but we can't all be perfect. Then on Friday, April 6th, we will be stopping in Nashville, TN and meeting Brian and his family. And after having to spend an evening with some Buckeyes, I will get to spend and evening with some Wolverines! And then on the way back home on Saturday, April 14th, we will be stopping in Nashville, TN again and getting a chance to meet another fellow YMXer, EXVOL. I am really looking forward to getting a chance to meet some of the friends that I have made on the YMExchange.com forums. And despite what one of my fellow co-workers says, I am pretty sure none of them are axe murders or will cut me up with a chainsaw. At least I hope not. I am getting really excited and counting down the days until we are actually in Florida! One week from today! Labels: Fun |