Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Moving Things Over to thesnuffy.com

I have moved my blog over to thesnuffy.com. I still have all of my blogs archived here, but they have also been moved over there. I have also moved all of the comments from the last to posts over there as well. So if you have engaged in a recent discussion you will want to go over there and check it out and further comment if you want.

I am still fixing things up around there, but I have enough done that I am just going to start blogging there. See you there!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Michigan Beats the Spartans and the Lions pound the Broncos

This weekend was a great weekend for football in my house. My Michigan Wolverines beat up on the Spartans in their 100th meeting to bring their record to 67-25-8 over our little brother's to the north. I was at a wedding during the game, so unfortunately I missed it but I had some friends updating me on the scores.

The best part was when I was at the reception and a guy saw my Michigan tie and said that he was so sorry. That was at the point when Michigan was losing 24-14. Too bad I didn't see that same guy when the Wolverines pulled it out and beat the Sparty's 28-24. HAIL TO THE VICTORS!!!

And the Detroit Lions pounded the Denver Broncos 44-7. What the heck is wrong with the Lions? They are playing great! Even Shaun Rogers was getting in on the fun by returning an interception for a 66 yard TD.

I just find it nice that for the most part, the idiots at firemillen.com are silenced. But I doubt even the Lions making the Super Bowl will silence them. All I know is the Lions are playing great football and Matt Millen is probably breathing a sigh of relief that things are finally working out. He has good coach and the players that were drafted that ended up being busts are gone, and some of them are even cut from the teams they went to. GO LIONS!!!



Friday, November 02, 2007

Michigan vs. MSU

This weekend is the big Michigan vs. MSU college football game (and people think the Patriots vs. the Colts is big. BAH!) Well, I am sitting here at work listening to the radio as I work and they are having people call in with Michigan/MSU jokes. And the best one by far is this one....

Why should O.J. have hidden out at MSU's campus? Read More Here



Thursday, November 01, 2007

10-20-30 Tag

Adam tagged me on this one and I must have missed that post, but I just recently saw it. So I am doing it now.

November 1997
Kimmy and I were approaching our 2 year anniversary and enjoying our almost 4 month old baby. What an exciting time and adventure that was! We lived in a trailer in Washington Township, MI and were just starting to attend a new church that would eventually become the first church I would be a youth pastor at, even if it was for only 6 months.

November 1987
I was 14 years old and in 9th grade at Carter Junior High School, it is now a middle school. I played football in 9th grade but was pretty sure it would be the last time I would play, because I wanted to get into theater when I got to Cousino Senior High School the next year.

November 1977
I was 4 years old and do not remember much. But I know I was a cute kid and captivated everyone's attention.

Now I tag Kimmy, Derek, Kent and Dale.

