Saturday, April 30, 2005

join the browncoats!

i am really excited for several movies that are coming out this year! hitchhiker's guide to the galxy (which was good), star wars 3, the war of the worlds, batman returns, superman, harry potter and the goblet of fire, but next to the new hp movie i am most excited about seeing the movie serenity. this movie comes from a tv season that regrettably was cancelled by fox after only one season called firefly! and it was a great show! but if you know what it is then you can join me and the other browncoats by signing up with the banner below!



Wednesday, April 27, 2005

some news on the job front.....

on monday i sent out a resume to a church in prescott valley, az and the next day (tuesday) i got an email from the sp. and then in the evening he called me and we talked for about 30-40 minutes. he seemed real interested in me, but i have been down this road a couple of times so i am a little reserved. although it is nice to have some contact. i think this church could be a good fit for me and my family, so pray that if it is God's will it will work out. thanks!



Sunday, April 24, 2005

friday is gonna be cool!

this friday two special things are going to happen....

1) the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy is coming out! and i am so excited to see this great book put to film!

2) the newest version of mac os x tiger is coming out! and i am so looking forward to the latest version of this great operating system! and these pics from are just priceless! LOL

just to help some of you out... longhorn is the code name for the newest version of windows from microshaft and redmond is where it is based! gotta love it!

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005


i am not Catholic but i am interested in this whole process because the Pope has such great opportunity to inflict some morality and faith into this world. so i was really praying for the Cardinals in the Conclave to be guided by the Holy Spirit so that we would have a Pope that would be as good, if not better than John Paul II was. and i feel that they have. joseph ratzinger is a very good choice. as an american the Papal name he has chosen is a little odd, Pope Benedict XVI, but that is just because of our bad history with a man of that name. but when i heard the meaning of the name i thought wow, that's cool!

From the Late Latin name Benedictus which meant "blessed". Saint Benedict was an Italian monk who founded the Benedictines in the 6th century. This was also the name of 15 popes. well, they need to update their website now! no longer 15 but 16! LOL this was according to if you want to check it out yourself.

i pray that Pope Benedict XVI will lead the Catholic church with the same goal and passion as John Paul II did! look forward to seeing how he does! truly historic moment!

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job search update

on sunday i saw that the church in california that i had an informal interview with and then did not make the short list, re-listed the job. i emailed the youth pastor to ask him if the candidiates they were looking at did not make it and if the job was indeed available again. and that i would still be interested. i have not heard back from him yet, but who knows.

i got an email from a church in phoenix that said "Thank you for inquiring about our Pastor of Student Ministries opening at Trinity Bible Church in Phoenix, Arizona. Your resume is among a group still being considered. We ask for your patience in the process and should we need more information, we will set up a conference phone interview with our Search Committee. We pray you find the position God has for you." so that looks good! well, at least it makes me feel good to have some contact! LOL

will keep ya'll posted!



states i've been to....

i thought this was pretty interesting....

create your own personalized map of the USA
or write about it on the open travel guide
i did not inlude any states that i briefly traveled through or had a layover in. but i am hoping i can add arizona to this list! ;)



Thursday, April 07, 2005


well, last week we finally sold our suburban and in good time because the gas prices went nutso! then today we finally got a new car, well, new-to-us used! LOL we got a 1995 honda accord.... it runs great, looks great, has a good amount of room and best of all it is great on gas! woo hoo! now if only i could get me that job in student ministry....



Saturday, April 02, 2005

sad day

i am not Catholic, never have been, but i am saddened by the loss of Pope John Paul II. he was a great man and had a profound impact upon our world and my life. i never had the opportunity to meet him or see him in real life, but i have observed him my whole life and i have been impressed. i know that the Catholic church will be hard pressed to find another to fill this man's shoes but they are in my prayers as the seek out his replacement. thank you John Paul for being who you are and for showing us how christian's should live and love. thank you!

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Friday, April 01, 2005

no california dreamin' :(

i found out today that i did not make the "short list" for that church in california. they decided to go with some people who had more experience in the larger church setting. i fully expected this to be the case and though there is disappointment, i was prepared for this. the yp, who was hiring an assistant to work with him as the pastor over the high school department, told me that i was he one he really wanted for the position but he had to go with the decision of the group. he said he would keep my resume on file and if things don't end up working out with these two other people, he would put me back into the "running". i actually had a really good conversation with him yesterday and he said he would keep his ears open for anything that he hears about and recommend me to those people. he also wanted me to keep me updated on where God lands me and that if i was ever in the area that i had a place to go. so that made me feel really good.

God has closed this door and so we are just praying and waiting for that door to be opened that He wants us to walk through. also, please pray for us as we try to find a "new to us" used car.

