Friday, April 01, 2005

no california dreamin' :(

i found out today that i did not make the "short list" for that church in california. they decided to go with some people who had more experience in the larger church setting. i fully expected this to be the case and though there is disappointment, i was prepared for this. the yp, who was hiring an assistant to work with him as the pastor over the high school department, told me that i was he one he really wanted for the position but he had to go with the decision of the group. he said he would keep my resume on file and if things don't end up working out with these two other people, he would put me back into the "running". i actually had a really good conversation with him yesterday and he said he would keep his ears open for anything that he hears about and recommend me to those people. he also wanted me to keep me updated on where God lands me and that if i was ever in the area that i had a place to go. so that made me feel really good.

God has closed this door and so we are just praying and waiting for that door to be opened that He wants us to walk through. also, please pray for us as we try to find a "new to us" used car.

