Monday, March 28, 2005

do unto others...

most of us think of that verse and somehow think it means as they have done unto us! but that is dead wrong... it ends as you would have them do unto you! here it is in Matthew 7:12 (the message)- Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them. Add up God's Law and Prophets and this is what you get. also found in Luke 6:31. that passgae in the Bible i think is key to how we as christians need to live our lives and if the whole world could grasp it, just think what it could do!

well, after i posted my blog yesterday that verse popped into my head and i decided to do just that. i wanted them to send us off with prayer, so i decided to leave them with prayer. i originally had thought about shaking the dust from my feet, but realized that is not what God wanted me to do. so i prayed at my desk which will be the new ass't pastor's desk. then i went into the auditorium and sat on the stool where our sp sits just about every sunday to preach and prayed for him. after that i went and prayed for our children's pastor and for the children's ministry. lastly, i went into the youth room and wept at the thought of leaving all of those students that i love so much. i spent some time praying for them and then i decided to leave them with a few words on the whiteboard in there. i felt that was a much better way to leave and more importantly the way God wanted me to leave.

so know i feel much better and i am still upset that they didn't pray over me and my wife, but i know that i can leave there feeling released because i feel i have done the right thing and left with the right attitude. i needed that because i wasn't having the best of attitudes before that.

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