So Hard to Understand…..
![]() Today I went to the funeral of a young man who decided that he no longer wanted to face the problems that he had created for himself. He no longer wanted to deal with all the crap that life can throw at you. He no longer wanted to be a blessing to his parents, sister, extended family and friends. So instead he chose to scale the fence that sits along side of a highway overpass and jump to his death. Here is a link to the article about it titled, "Teen commits suicide jumping from overpass" ![]() Why do people do such selfish and stupid things? I just don’t get it. As I sat there in that church waiting for the service to begin I looked up at his picture being projected on the wall and thought to myself, “How could he get on top of that fence, look down and realize that that was going to it for his life. And then to follow through and jump. What was he thinking as he plunged down to the pavement.” I don’t think I could ever get myself to that point of just letting go like that. Have I ever thought about ending it all? Yes, I don’t think there is a person who didn’t have that thought cross their mind. But to actually follow through with it is a whole different thing. ![]() ![]() But what I saw as an even bigger tragedy than the loss of his life, with all due respect, was the way that the two pastors who spoke totally botched the opportunity they had. The first pastor got up and admitted that he did not even know the young man, but was the pastor of some of the aunts and uncles. In fact, this young man and his family didn’t even attend church and the mom even said that she wasn’t a religious person and doesn’t even go to church. Anyway, this first pastor said that he was feeling so many emotions at this time and one of them was anger. And that he was angry at Garrett for what he did and for taking his life. And he pointed out that many there probably felt the same way. But the problem was that he pretty much left it right there. Not much else was said. Very sad! ![]() Then it was his turn to give a message and while it was a fairly good message he made a very poor attempt to engage the extremely young audience he had. The first rule of delivering a speech or sermon is audience analysis and this guy failed it! Then when he kept referring to them as young people, and not that that is a problem, but it was the way he said it. There was an air of condescension to it. And that bothers the crap out of me. But they were totally disengaged from what he had to say. And while all that he had to say was true he failed at engaging them, speaking to them (as opposed to talking down to them), and giving them a way to apply it to their lives. I sat there wishing that I could just embrace everyone of those students and talk with them and console them. Then at the end the most amazing thing happened! Garrett’s mom stood up to speak. She started it off by saying that she was “by no means a religious person” (I love how people say that! LOL), and that she “doesn’t go to church at all”. She then said that she “had no idea how she is going to say goodbye to her son”. WOW!!! Now that right there was a tough one to hear. It took everything for me to just sit there and not run down to the front and hug her. Then she went on to say to all of the students there that “if they hear about a friend who is going through a tough time, even if it is a rumor, to tell them to talk with someone. If they won’t talk with their parents then tell them to go to a neighbor or anyone. Just tell them to talk with someone, because I had no idea that my son was going through a tough time.” She then repeated that she “had no idea how she is going to say goodbye to her son”. This woman who is “by no means a religious person” said more than the religious people did, in my opinion. I hope those pastors were taking notes, but I doubt it. ![]() I pray for Garrett’s family during this time, that God would comfort them. And I especially pray for his parents and sister that they would find God in all of this and embrace him with their whole lives. I pray for his friends that they too, would find that comfort that they need and if they do not have a relationship with Him that God would reveal himself to them in this time of need. Labels: Faith |