Saturday, February 11, 2006


The XX Winter Olympic Games have begun! The opening ceremony was really cool. I was really worried when they had that F1 car doing donuts that it might lose control and hurt someone, but all went well! And ending it all with Luciano Pavarotti singing “Nessun Dorma”. That was really amazing! And the lighting of the official torh was really cool as well.

USA Strikes GOLD!!!!!!!

Congratulations to Chad Hedrick who won the first gold for USA in the 5000m speed skating! Here's to your drive for five golds in speed skating!

I am hoping that the US can have a really good showing at this year's Olympics and bring home the overall gold. I think we have a really good shot at it this year. But most of all I hope that we kick Canada's butt in men's and women's hockey!

